Data is an Asset

The way you use it can make a BIG difference

Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves.
— Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web

Using data effectively is a must. If you want to make smarter decisions or achieve new frontiers. We will support you all the way to take your data use and business optimization to the next level, from the digital strategy to the actual deployment and monetization of the data.



This is the ground level of using data, digital or otherwise, which includes generating reports or data sets for evaluating or monitoring operations, processes, and business performance. The majority is at this level. It focuses on a snapshot of what happened.


Data Analysis

This is the next level of using data. It encompasses identifying the data sources, extracting, transforming it to a useful form. The objective is to explore for useful information or findings. Everyone is doing data analysis at some capacity. It focuses on what happened and to a limited extent, the underlying reasons.


Data Analytics

This is the next level, usually confused with data analysis, it adds the capability to predict what can happen next. Analytics requires advanced skills and scientific methods such as computer science, statistics, and mathematics to improve business performance and decision making.


Visual Analytics

This is a complementary level to analytics, where data is visualized graphically for fast analytical reasoning. It simplifies complex scenarios for executives, summarizing vast amount of interdependent data, and enable building a data story and visual dashboards for monitoring, responsiveness, and decision making.


Models & Algorithms

A really advanced level, with greater benefits if applied correctly. A mathematical model, an algorithm, or a simulation model can be developed to identify a “best-case” scenario or optimal settings that will drive the business performance up, while considering variability and uncertainty.


Big Data Analytics

As the data volume increases, the traditional data analysis falls short. It can uncover the not-so-obvious patters, insights, and trends for an all-inclusive decision making. This is where all the companies are heading as the amount of data collected and stored increases.


Machine Learning

Machine learning is a special set of models and algorithms that can be trained to learn from the data without explicitly programming the rules (as in conventional models and algorithms). The trained model can predict, support humans, or decide on its own when given new scenarios or situations. Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence or AI.


Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of Machine Learning, used for specific applications when large amounts of data and attributes exist. it is Machine learning on steroids. This is one of the techniques that allowed us to get closer to a true AI systems.


Artificial Intelligence

AI is capable of achieving the highest level of non-human intelligence and autonomy. AI is able to execute tasks in a smart way, similar to humans. An AI based system extract knowledge from data, apply it, and execute tasks and make smart decisions. This is the future of automation.


These are the main options to use data and transform it to a greater value and business success. There are other options and methods for specific cases, including Blockchain, IoT, Cloud Computing, and Cyber Security.

We will be delighted to walk you through these options, and more, if it applies to you. Our team can support you all the way through your digital transformation journey and getting the most out of your data.


We are a multidisciplinary team of experts that are passionate and self-motivated to get you the most out of your data. We have helped private and public organizations worldwide to get value from their data, efficiently and effectively, while making their workforce educated, knowledgeable, and future-proof.



Experienced and Business Savvy

Analysts, Engineers, Data Scientists, Operations Research Scientists, and Machine Learning/AI Engineers, Management Consultants, and Industry Experts.

Industries & Domains

Supply Chain, Logistics, Transportation, Retail, Fashion Retail, E-commerce, Last-Mile Delivery, Hospitality, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Government.